Aplikasi Antrian Loket
Passat b3 tuning. Apr 26, 2018 - Aplikasi ini berisi beberapa fitur seperti antrian online, cek loket antrian, tanya jawab, jadwal dokter dan lain sebagainya. Untuk antrian online.
Procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); // MENJALANKAN PROSES ANTRIAN var int1,int2,int3,i: integer; begin if Edit1.Text = '0' then else Edit1.Text:= IntToStr(StrToInt(Edit1.Text)-1); if Edit2.Text = '0' then else Edit2.Text:= IntToStr(StrToInt(Edit2.Text)-1); if Edit3.Text = '0' then else Edit3.Text:= IntToStr(StrToInt(Edit3.Text)-1); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // MENJALANKAN PROSES ANTRIAN var int1,int2,int3,i: Integer; begin ListBox1.ItemIndex:= 0; if ( ListBox1.ItemIndex = -1 ) then begin if MessageDlg('TUNGGU ANTRIAN!'
Web-based application is an easy solution to execute a client-server concept. The web application can run on all operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS. The web application can be accessed using a browser and does not require a high specification computer. Application queue is an application that can help process the queue to display the sequence of queues based on the customers who come awal.Aplikasi queues can help a government or private agency to avoid Push-pressed between the customer when queuing to get service. Application queues are equipped with sound, pictures and text can improve the quality of public services. Keyword: queuing applications, client-server based applications, web-based application Download Paper.
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