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Windows 10 and Java This article applies to: • Java version(s): 8.0 Is Java supported in Windows 10? Yes, Java was certified on Windows 10 starting with Java 8 Update 51. Will Java run in my browser on Windows 10? Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox will continue to run Java on Windows 10. The Edge browser does not support plug-ins and therefore will not run Java. How do I find the Java Control Panel in Windows 10?
From Windows Search, type in Java. If Java is installed, Configure Java will appear in the search results.
Select Configure Java. Download rhythm and gangsta rar free. The Java Control Panel will appear. Alternatively, it can be found by clicking on the Start button on the taskbar, then All Apps, where Java will be listed, if it is installed.
From the Edge browser, how do I open a URL in Internet Explorer? The Edge browser allows you to open the same URL in Internet Explorer. Select the More Actions option located at the top of the Edge browser and click on Open with Internet Explorer. Why am I not seeing any indication of Applet content in Edge as I do in other browsers?
Even when Java is disabled, other browsers provide a visual cue to users if Applet content is available on a page. Edge, however, does not, and users must manually load the page in another browser. System administrators and website owners can to help with prompts to supported browsers.
Website owners can e-mail Microsoft at iepo@microsoft.com to be included in their Compatibility View list.