Krossvord Na Kazahskom Yazike Pro Kazahstan
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At Szczakowa district. In the middle of the nineteenth century the authorities of Rzplita Krakowska planned to build a railway line towards Silesia.
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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Early life [ ] Nazarbayev was born in, a rural town near, when Kazakhstan of the. His father was a poor labourer who worked for a wealthy local family until Soviet rule confiscated the family's farmland in the 1930s during 's policy. Following this, his father took the family to the mountains to live out a nomadic existence.
His family's religious tradition was. [ ] Nazarbayev's father, Abish, avoided compulsory military service due to a withered arm he had sustained when putting out a fire. At the end of the family returned to the village of Chemolgan, and Nazarbayev began to learn the. He performed well at school, and was sent to a boarding school in. After leaving school, Nazarbayev took up a one-year, government-funded scholarship at the Karaganda Steel Mill in. He also spent time training at a steel plant in, and therefore was away from Temirtau when riots broke out there over working conditions. Akt na unichtozhenie dokumentov s istekshim srokom hraneniya blank ukraine.
By the age of twenty, he was earning a relatively good wage doing 'incredibly heavy and dangerous work' in the blast furnace. Nazarbayev joined the in 1962, becoming a prominent member of the Young Communist League. And full-time worker for the party, and attended the Karagandy Polytechnic Institute. He was appointed secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Karaganda Metallurgical Kombinat in 1972, and four years later became Second Secretary of the Karaganda Regional Party Committee.
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In his role as a bureaucrat, Nazarbayev dealt with legal papers, logistical problems, and industrial disputes, as well as meeting workers to solve individual issues. He later wrote that 'the central allocation of capital investment and the distribution of funds' meant that infrastructure was poor, workers were demoralised and overworked, and centrally set targets were unrealistic; he saw the steel plant's problems as a microcosm for the problems for the Soviet Union as a whole. Rise to power [ ]. Nazarbayev (second from left) at the signing of the, December 1991. In 1984, Nazarbayev became the (Chairman of the Council of Ministers), under, the of the. At the sixteenth session of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan in January 1986, Nazarbayev criticized Askar Kunayev, head of the Academy of Sciences, for not reforming his department. Dinmukhamed Kunayev, Nazarbayev's boss and Askar's brother, felt deeply angered and betrayed.
Kunayev went to and demanded Nazarbayev's dismissal while Nazarbayev's supporters campaigned for Kunayev's dismissal and Nazarbayev's promotion. [ ] Kunayev was ousted in 1986 and replaced by a Russian,, who despite his office had little authority in Kazakhstan.