Merlin Soundfonts

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• - For remixers, ran by remixers. • • • • - Music interactive websites. Requested links placed for easy access • • • •. For ages I have been looking for a great soundfont, I probably have downloaded over 30 gigabytes of soundfonts in the past year or so. Disclaimer: I do not own a soundcard, I use CoolSoft's Virtual Midi Synth to play MIDIs. Workbook 7 naumova children. Most of the soundfonts I tried were good in their own way, I might have liked them for a few songs, but overall I never really liked.
I'll detail my thoughts on some of the memorable soundfonts I tried: Timbres of Heaven - My first soundfont, Probably the best soundfont among the 'well known' soundfonts, I used to really enjoy it, but after trying out numerous soundfonts I realized how unbalanced the drums are, they are by far the loudest instrument, This would probably be very enjoyable under the right setup, but my ATH-AD700X headphones do not really allow me to enjoy bass the same way most other people would, There's no 'kick' to it, So it was time to move on. ChromiumRev A - Well of the smallest well known soundfonts in existence, coming in at only 28 MB's in size, But do not let this deter you, In fact, usually the smaller soundfonts are more balanced, The bigger soundfonts are usually very unbalanced.
Many people stand behind this soundfont, but I find it has the same problem as Timbres of Heaven does, the drums are just way too overpowering, So the search continued. WeedsGM3 and SGM - I see these two soundfonts be recommended all the time, I do not like them, I won't go into much detail here, They are just very unremarkable, especially for the download size. (50 MB's and 235 MB's respectively) Compifont - One of the newest soundfonts in my possession, It makes some of my MIDIs sound fantastic, while others sound sort of meh, It's not a bad soundfont, but it's way too big for the quality that you get(It's a gig), Usually I suggest staying away from the larger file soundfonts, but I would recommend to give this one a go, It might be perfect for your particular MIDI library. FluidR3GM - I really like this soundfont, It's pretty balanced and is very popular. It sounds very old video-gamey, But I feel like it's use is limited, Not all MIDIs sound good on it plus the file size is fairly large (141 MB's) Numerous Roland SC-55 soundfonts: I really can't give you a specific SF2 and author, There are so many that we could be talking about dozens here, if not more. Generally, the ones with a larger file size sound a lot better than the ones with a smaller file size, They have a lot more volume and are more balanced, As for the sound it self, I never owned a Roland SC-55, but I know that a lot of old video game MIDI's were made specifically for the Roland, It might be great if you want to listen to Doom's soundtrack with a sound that is similar to what ID software's synth sounded like, but I feel like modern soundfonts have by far surpassed the quality of the Roland SC-55. Giant Soundfont: Pretty unremarkable, muffled and extremely large in size, Would not recommend.
Crisis soundfont: Same story, except it's much worse, The quality sucks and it's very unbalanced, stay away at all costs. OmegaGMGS2 - My newest soundfont, at least, I haven't heard of it until a few days ago, I really like it's sound, For the most part it sounds great, Very bright, sometimes a little muffled though, The file size is also very large, coming in at almost 200 MB's.