Mutants And Masterminds Character Generator Mutagen
Products found in this section. Sort by: Defending the Galaxy Doomstar (PL 11), a powerful planetary ruler with arms made of crackling cosmic energy, travels the Milky Way, amassing an army to oppose the oppression of the Inphinites. Super Powered Legends. Because sometimes what you need is a character everyone will recognize, even if they’ve never met her before.
Whatever gave the character his powers is also a yardstick by which the hero must live. The Cold War and BeYond Atom bombs and modern weapons have made people aware of just how destructive our toys can truly be. Natural animals might hold fear over a monster.MUTANTS & Masterminds MUtants MASTERmINDS SUPERNATURAL SUpernatUral Handbook HANDBOOK WWII.
Written and illustrated by Jacob Blackmon. Super Powered by M&M. [] $1.95 By the Power of the Primordials! Descargar telenovela baila conmigo cd songs.
Petra was raised by her enemies from infancy. At 16 she discovered that she was actually Princess Alluria (PL 10), rightful bearer of the Sword of Salvation. With it, Petra is able to transform into her true self, and battles her foes while aiding her friends. Super Powered Legends. Because sometimes what you need is a character everyone will recognize, even if they’ve. [] $1.95 $1.56 When First We Practice to Deceive Esther’s bond with the strange “living web” creature was a kinship at first, but over time, the alien entity asserted more control over Esther’s body and decision-making.
Ester now transforms from the Challenger Foundation’s librarian to the vicious Snarl (PL 10) whether she likes it or not. She doesn’t just defeat super-powered. [] $1.95 $1.56 Pynryn, the Mummified Man (PL 12) is what is left of an ancient wizard, powered by a powerful stone that fell from the sky millennia ago.
Awakened by Semiramis, and now loosed upon the world, The Mummified Man seeks to recreate his long-lost magical empire. Super Powered Legends.
Because sometimes you a need a character everyone knows, even if they're meeting them for the first time. [] $1.95 $1.56.
Welcome to the Dragonlands! Or the island of the evil Doctor Hybrid. Or the bandit bestiary of the Crime Zoo. Or the Spirit Forest. The point is, sometimes heroes end up in some super-strange places, and a GM may find himself with a sudden need for some super-weird stat blocks. Ttf to apk converter free download. No GM has time to write up every possible Demonic Guard of the Tyrant Sorcerer, band of giants from the Nine Realms of.
[] $19.95 $13.97 Nobody Likes the Name. To keep his pretty head on his well-muscled neck, Killjoy has collected a team of bad-@$$ butt-kickers he likes to call the M-Forcers. Super Powered Legends. Because sometimes what you need is a character everyone will recognize, even if they’ve never met her before. Written and illustrated by Jacob Blackmon. Super Powered by M&M. [] $1.95 $1.56 We Make Holes in Teeth!
The Demolisher (PL 10) and his crew (PL 8), used to clean up the city after superhumans had their fights. But one day, the Demolisher found an alien artifact in the wreckage that gave him super strength, and he saw a different way to make money in his future. Super Powered Legends. Because sometimes you a need a character everyone knows, even if they're meeting them for. [] $1.95 $1.56 Did Someone Say Paradox? Cord (PL 10) is a demigod, a universe-saver, a Ultra-class meta, a cyborg, and a world fighting championship master. She may be the most powerful being in the universe, but she does not, and cannot, exist for any great length of time.
She’s not real, but para-real. She only comes into existence when entire alternate realities are at stake. Cord is the ultimate hero. [] $1.95 $1.56 Flash Flood! Fluid (PL 10), has the ability to turn his body into moving water. An angry rival for Stacy Sanders' (Crimson Blade) affection, Fluid finds every opportunity to clash with her husband, Recluse! Super Powered Legends.