Noti K Filjmu Ironiya Sudjbi
May 15, 2014 - Ironiya sudby, ili S lyogkim parom!) is a 1976 Soviet romantic comedy television film directed by Eldar Ryazanov. Svadjba emira i feriha. The screenplay was written.
National Art Masters go through to international final Once again, the Danube rivers have proved to be a great inspiration for young people to voice their concerns about rivers. Over a thousand children from 140 schools and clubs located across the Danube Basin answered our creative challenge in 2018. The 14-country art extravaganza tasked them to create a riverside artwork from materials found by the river or a 1-minute video expressing why rivers are important, related to the theme Get active for a healthy Danube! You can see some of the resulting videos and artworks on, where you can also take part in voting for the most popular international video by 'liking' your favourite. National Art Masters now wait to hear who will win the top prize to be crowned the International Danube Art Master for 2018! The announcement will be made on later in the year.
If you or your school are inspired to create art for the Danube, details of how to enter the 2019 competition will be available here in spring 2019. You might end up being crowned Art Master for your country and win a great prize! In the meantime, you can read more about the competition on last year's or visit the website of co-organisers, where information is available in national languages. The latest competition news will also be posted on. Or, if you need more inspiration, check out the gallery and video below, showcasing the annual competition. Winners of the 2017 International Danube Art Master announced in Vienna Students from Ilidža in Bosnia-Herzegovina have been crowned the international Danube Art Masters for 2017, being placed first in the 13-country final!

Congratulations go to the children from the Sixth School in Ilidža, Sarajevo, and to the competition organisers in, Ekotim! The Award Ceremony was held on Wednesday, 13 December during the 20th ICPDR Ordinary Meeting in Vienna.
The top three winners of Danube Art Master 2017 received their Awards from ICPDR President Peter Gammeltoft and Chairperson of the Public Participation Expert Group, Susanne Brandstetter in the presence of the Heads of delegation of 13 Danube countries. The EU Commission and all ICPDR observers congratulated the young representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Croatia for their great art. “We believe that this competition encourages children and teenagers to learn more about the Danube and help protect it,” said ICPDR Executive Secretary Ivan Zavadsky about the competition. “It is also an artistic reminder for adults and the representatives of Danube national governments of their joint responsibility to ensure that the Danube is protected for future generations.” Special feature 2017 – the video category. A special video category was launched this year with three winners getting a “special prize” in this creative category.