Phison Ps2251 03 V Datasheets360
Plz help to fix this flash Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DT 101 G2) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2.00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6545 Serial Number: 000FEAFB8B03EBB1C41801A1 Device Vendor: Kingston Device Name: DT 101 G2 Device Revision: 0100 Manufacturer: Kingston Product Model: DT 101 G2 Product Revision: PMAP Controller Vendor: Phison Controller Part-Number: PS2251-61(PS2261) - F/W 05.09.53 [2011-11-02] Flash ID code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba [TLC]. I need help please Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(silicon-power) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2.10. Help me please:((((( Logical drive: G: Capacity: 0.0G Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6545 Device SN: 00241D8CE51BEE21B97609BE Device version: PMAP Device vendor: Kingston Device model: DataTraveler 2.0 Protocol: USB2.0 Max power: 200mA Partition type: Device active: OK Aligned state: 4032 KB, Have been Aligned Controller: Phison Controller model: PS2251-67 Flash Vendor: Toshiba, Type: TLC, Process: 19nm, Page: 8K Flash ID: 983AA892 Flash Part: TH58TEG8T2JBA4C Score: 28 (Normal Score >= 30) Firmware: 07.08.53 FW Date: 2012.07.12.

Anonymous Protocal Version: USB 2.00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA USB Device ID: VID = 0718 PID = 0618 Serial Number: 07B51F03F92D1FD8 Device Vendor: TDKMedia Device Name: Trans-It Drive Device Revision: 0100 Manufacturer: TDKMedia Product Model: Trans-It Drive Product Revision: PMAP Controller Vendor: Phison Controller Part-Number: PS2251-60(PS2260) - F/W 01.07.53 [2011-05-22] Flash ID code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba TC58NVG6T2HTA00 [TLC-8K] Can som help? I try almost all what i find, and no succes. Anonymous Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 3.00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 896mA USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666 Serial Number: 94DE8072478CBF1059B80105 Device Vendor: Kingston Device Name: DataTraveler 3.0 Device Revision: 0100 Manufacturer: Kingston Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0 Product Revision: PMAP Controller Vendor: Phison Controller Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 01.02.53 [2014-05-12] Flash ID code: 983AA892 - Toshiba TC58NVG7T2JTA00 [TLC-8K]. Anonymous I've tried lots of tools. Nothing works Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 3.00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 126mA USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666 Serial Number: 60A44C413CCBBE30BB4FB19A Device Vendor: Kingston Device Name: DataTraveler 3.0 Device Revision: 0100 Manufacturer: Kingston Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0 Product Revision: PMAP Chip Vendor: Phison Chip Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 01.03.10 [2013-12-20] Flash ID Code: ADDE94DA - Hynix [MLC]] Please help me.
Hello, please can you help me with this memory Kingstone USB 3.0 of 32 GB Description: [E:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2.10. I have same USB device as Roshan and can't write anything: Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2.10. Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2.10. Crystal reports for net framework 20 x64 redistributable package 64 bit.
Mar 4, 2018 - Hello My friends, we will explain how to repair Phison PS2251-03,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T USB flash drives.If you have. Phison PS2303 (PS2251-03) framework This project's goal is to turn PS2303-based USB flash drive into a cheap USB 3.0 development platform (i.e. Fast USB 3.0 to FPGA bridge).