Pocsag Decoder Software Download
I was born in, a very beautiful famous city in Iran. I started programming when I was 12 years old with GWBASIC. Since now, I worked with various programming languages from Basic, Foxpro, C/C++, Visual Basic, Pascal to MATLAB and now Visual C++.
Mgi photosuite 4 se free download. I graduated from in Communication Eng., and now work as a system programmer for a telecommunication industry. I wrote several programs and drivers for Synthesizers, Power Amplifiers, GPIB, GPS devices, Radio cards, Data Acqusition cards and so many related devices.
PDW This is the best program to date as development has been continued through to Windows XP. Requires an interface or sound card. PDW is freeware!! Software for amateur radio usage only, german users please read this! Read our FAQ Download here. To register please click on the button: Version History: 2010-08-17.
I'm author of several books like Learning C (primary and advanced), Learning Visual Basic, API application for VB, Teach Yourself Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and etc. I'm winner of January, May, August 2003 and April 2005 best article of month competetion, my articles are: • • • • You can see list of my articles, by clicking. Member 10408568 18-Nov-13 0:42 18-Nov-13 0:42 Hello First of all thanks for your software. I only don't understand a strange behaviour when I put low addresses. For example if I put 9 as addresses, I see that the ADDRESS CODEWORD seems to be 0X0000, because the correspondidg frame has only 16 bits (0X3B49), so I guess the early 16 bit are 0s. But the address codeword for 9 shouldn't be all 0, is it right? So where is the problem?
May I have misunderstooded the protocol? I hope To be able to explane my problem. Thank again and B/R. Tgahner 18-Dec-12 21:15 18-Dec-12 21:15 dear sir, i know its been some time since you have worked on this project ant im no programer. I am interested in a viable software solution. I am looking to work paging ove the ham bands where i am licensed and aloud to do so. Please understand my limited programing understanding and i would need a bit of understanding on finalizing this project if you have the time.
I would also need it to be able to run at a baud rate of 512. If you can find the time to help i would be greatfull. You have my email thanks again --tim. Stephenvs 8-Apr-07 21:40 8-Apr-07 21:40 Dear Sir, Here by I kindly submit my product enquiry. Following are the points that I would like to highlight and verify. At present we are using a paging system, we would like to replace the glenyare paging system into PC software based paging system. I have two sources of data feed.
Data feed 1 and Data feed 2. Data feed 1 (POCSAG1200), Data Feed 2 (POCSAG2400). Can I use your system to send both data simultaneously to transmitter? With Remain paging terminal operations such as Subscriber information Area System Activity monitoring System Maintenance Area Remote login Transmit queue status etc., Please kindly quote us.
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Or please propose any other system can suite to this requirement. Please send me a quotation as soon as possible. Thank you Stephen.v.s H/P 0060 12 588 4218. Replace Glenyare Paging Terminal by Software.