Programma Dlya Paketnih Stavok Fonbet
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Sadržaj • Efekat staklene bašte • Greenhouse GasesGasovi staklene bašte • Toplota • Termodinamika • Klima Description How do greenhouse gases affect the climate? Explore the atmosphere during the ice age and today. What happens when you add clouds? Change the greenhouse gas concentration and see how the temperature changes. Tkp 45 202 110 2008.
Then compare to the effect of glass panes. Zoom in and see how light interacts with molecules. Do all atmospheric gases contribute to the greenhouse effect? Primjeri obrazovnih ciljeva • Describe the effect of greenhouse gases on photons and temperature • Describe the effect of clouds on photons and temperature • Compare the effect of greenhouse gases to the effect of glass panes • Describe the interaction of photons with atmospheric gases • Explain why greenhouse gases affect temperature.