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I love this jeff, Benin/edo/nigeria I Like this remix, finally got it DJ RU, Houston, TX, USA mmmmm nice combination djjimmy bascome, london uk nice hot DJ Twingo, german Love da remix J May, Monroe,la, us Best Remix I heard so far surely on my playlist. Dj fusion, new york, america Straight fire hot hot hot 5/5 heavy rotation! Jerry D, portland, maine yea nice the don, corby northants, England Good job - adds a new twist & tastefully done. I will definitely use this in my set. DJ Neva, Jersey City, NJ, USA rap needs work djFRiTZ, Atlanta, us Niceeee peter paul, nyc ny, usa Pretty good well matched merging of R’n’B with a Caribbean flava.
Neil Brown, Maidstone, UK big big record dj andysmith, essex, england uk dope djosomp3, brooklyn, ny This is the best Remix I heard and as a reggae artist he really got that crossover flow.a lot of plays.hope rih rih hears this.! Dj liquid ice, boston, america the rap really gives it a good island feel Jay D. Holloway, chattanooga, usa I like how they didn't try to fix it. Added some extra flavor fo sure. Salute to this track Jace Media, Springfield, MA, US excellent my friend. Max247, Vernon/BC, Canada 'RVVP' me. Max Cam, Vernon, Canada I'm really feeling this track.
Jenny La Sexy Voz - Man Down (Cover - Merengue Progresivo Electronico) (Rihanna) [Official Audio] mp3 Quality: Good Download.
People will love it. Make a video for it. DJ Remedy, Baltimore, MD, USA dope remix DJ CHEN, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM This mix gives it the real reggae feel DREWSTER, memphis its pretty good, i like the lyrics karl-eric, rockville/MD, USA Dope! Claude Whitfield, Charlotte, NC, US dope shit Dan Shores, New York, New York, USA very nice, not the usual island artist.
The focus of this story takes place at an annual drag-racing event in Fresno, as Manuel tries to retain his championship title. Biker build off torrent download.
But it works, very nice. DJ Naked Juice/FunkDown DJ, Miami/Fla, U.S.
IZiggy Promotions, Charlotte, NC, USA nice touch, this remix rocks carl allen, toronto, canada This is a hot Reggae track!!! DJ Mello, Stone Mountain/GA., United States nice remix starski, toronto, canada dope leo, Malden, MA, United States It's cool. I'll test it at the club tonight. Andy Yorke, Fort Washington, MD, unted States nice along with the original. Dj air, munich, germany WILL DEFINETLY PLAY THIS DJ SER SCRATCH, BROOKLYN, NY, USA nice ernie d, brooklyn, NY, uSA Wicked temix DJ Bandit, Bronx, US BETTER THAN ORIGINAL DJ RODMOST, Bridgeport, CT, USA Will Pump This UP! Djroxc, Dallas/Tx, USA hott djdu2ce AKA.mr.sko-n-go, DALLAS TX., united States great summer theme in a wonderfull remix Wilfried Nickenig (DJ Nick), Bielefeld, germany Good Reggae track. Filthy Rich, Biddeford, ME, US Very HOT remix.
Will play again and again. DJ Speaker, Oulu, Finland Real Good. Mike Keough, San Diego, Calif., U S A Love it when Rihanna does her roots, and I don't mean her hair color. LOL OXOX Sam LaBelle, San Francisco, CA, USA checking it out right now for my radio show all axe-s axesmedia, Kingston, Jamaica i like it reggiereg, atlanta ga, usa This add lib is wack.
This track don't need no help. PERIOD DJ RON ICE, DANBURY, USA Bangar TRINIMAN I'm not a full-hearted fan of the formula world of commercial artists, but this joint is heat. I'm snatchin this download for the crates Big up!!
Emskee, Brooklyn, New York its okay DJ KHIKO, Chicago IL, US Good Alex Oshiro, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States Very Hot DJ Big D, Wash.DC, US I will Play the Remix as well as make a remix of my own phanom slade, Brooklyn Ny, USA Nice colaboration with Mad Bwoy dJ ROCKDAHOOD, pHILADELPHIA PA., uSA nice vibe Teacher, Tampa/FL, United States i like it dj benji, miami,fla, dade she just did 2 nights in Montreal for the F1 Grand Prix. And was so great! This song with 'reggae roots' is awesome for the summer! Lamarche, Montreal, Canada KEEP ON SENDING THEM HITS, SEND ME SOME PERSONAL DROPS FROM YOUR ARTIST AND I WILL CONTINUE TO PROMOTE THEIR MUSIC I GO BY THE NAME OF DJ EGO GOOD LOOKIN DJ EGO, BRONX, NY it's good cell, nrw, marl mainfloor banger dj twingo, sw, germany Very nice on the remix.no question it will take off in the club! DJ HOT!(THE QUIETSTORM!), CHI-TOWN!, U.S.A. Fat Besh, Italy, TN hot odysseas Delasoudas, ny, united States nice reggae mix.will see how it does in the clubs dj imy, london, uk Hot. Dj Rico, prague, czech republic always good to have an alternative version Nick, Stockholm, Sweden VERY COOL DJ-League Worldwide, WORLDWIDE Thanx a lot for the Music.Feel free to hit me on www.myspace.com/maca77 or please send me promo stuff like Name drops etc macafella@gmx.de (MACA is pronounced like 'Sucka' just with a M in front!) Lots of thanks in advance!One luv DJ MACA, Schwandorf, Germany I like this mix especially cause I like the original.