The Urbz Sims In The City Ps2 Ntsc Bios Download
See also: This is a list of games compatible with certain models of. Initial PlayStation 3 models released in North America, Japan, and Asia contained both the PlayStation 2's CPU and GPU, while subsequent models contained only the GPU, and the PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility with physical discs was removed entirely in later models. However, all PlayStation 3 models can play some PlayStation 1 games via physical discs. This is accomplished entirely via software emulation and does not differ between models. Certain PS2 peripherals, as well as other PS1 peripherals that are compatible with PS2 games, cannot be used with PS3 systems, due to the lack of ports for PS accessories. Memory Card saves can be transferred to and from physical Memory Cards with the use of the Memory Card Adaptor (CECHZM1). As a sidenote, the upscaling and smoothing options do not work when certain PS2 titles have been selected to run in progressive scan (480p).
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0–9 [ ] Title Publisher Product No. Compatible with 20/60GB NTSC PS3 (CECHA/CECHB) Compatible with 60GB PAL/80GB NTSC PS3 (CECHC/CECHE) SLUS-20267 Yes Yes SLUS-20562 Yes Yes SLUS-20563 Yes Yes SLUS-20564 Yes Yes SLUS-21258 Yes Yes SLUS-21488 Yes Yes SLUS-21489 Yes Yes SLUS-21282 Yes Yes SLUS-21813 Yes Yes SLUS-00975 Yes Yes SLUS-01300 Yes Yes SLES-51284??? Yes Yes SLUS-20210 Yes Yes SLUS-21116 Yes Yes (FMV and GFX issues) SLUS-21268 Yes Yes SLUS-21016 Yes Yes Yes Yes SLUS-20404 Yes Yes SLUS-21408 Yes Yes SLUS-20091 Yes Yes SLUS-21315 Yes Yes A [ ] Title Publisher Product No. Compatible with 20/60GB NTSC PS3 (CECHA/CECHB) Compatible with 60GB PAL/80GB NTSC PS3 (CECHC/CECHE) SLUS-20152 Yes Yes SLUS-21346 Yes Yes SLUS-20588 Yes Yes SLUS-20170 Yes Yes THQ SLUS-20696 Yes?
SLUS-21205 Yes Yes (some input issues) SLUS-20614 Yes Yes (FMV and HDD issues) Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day SLUS-21125????? SLUS-21321 Yes Yes Acclaim Sports SLUS-20569? Yes SLUS-21690 Yes? Activision Value SLUS-21069?? Activision Value SLUS-21288?? Codemaster SLUS-20816 Yes Yes SLUS-97258 Yes Yes SLUS-21633 Yes Yes SCUS-97231 Yes Yes SLUS-20217?? SLUS-20595 Yes No Agetec Inc.
Yes Agetec Inc. Yes Agetec Inc. SLUS-20435, SLES-51399?? From Software SLES-55133?? The 3DO Company SLUS-20087 Yes? SLUS-21445 Yes Yes SEGA? D3 Publisher?
Yes Yes Atari SLUS-21076? Yes SCUS-97104 Yes? SCUS-97369 Yes Yes SLUS-21395 Yes Yes SLUS-21588 Yes Yes SLUS-21804 Yes Yes B [ ] Title Publisher Product No.
Compatible with 20/60GB NTSC PS3 (CECHA/CECHB) Compatible with 60GB PAL/80GB NTSC PS3 (CECHC/CECHE) SLUS-21761 Yes Yes SLUS-20638, SLES-51986 Yes? SLUS-21043 Yes Yes (FMV and GFX issues) SLUS-20982? Yes SLUS-20035 Yes Yes - Graphical issues During second half of gameplay. SLUS-20675 Yes Yes - Graphical issues throughout gameplay. SLUS-20803, SLES-53154 Yes Yes - Graphical issues throughout gameplay.
SLUS-20325 Yes Yes Vicarious Visions SLUS-21198 Yes Yes SLUS-20226? Yes SLUS-20709 Yes Yes SLES-52594 No No SLUS-21579? Yes - Occasional framerate issues SLUS-21714 Yes Yes SLUS-21026 Yes Yes SLUS-20421 Yes Yes SLUS-20929?? SLUS-21902, SLES-55579?? SLUS-21150 Yes Yes SLUS-21815?? SLUS-21921, SLES-55592 Yes?

SLUS-20763 Yes Yes (GFX issues) SLUS-21175 Yes Yes SLUS-21376 Yes Yes - At various points during gameplay the user's character becomes stuck or teleports to a random nearby location. SLUS-21128 Yes Yes - When network gameplay begins, a network error message appears, and the user is disconnected.
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