Tvorcheskij Proekt Razrabotka Plakata Po Elektrobezopasnosti

Project documentation is one of the main instruments with which to work building organization at all stages of the life cycle of construction. Any construction, reconstruction and overhaul is always carried out with the development, coordination and examination of design estimates. Exceptions are objects of individual housing construction, according to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This is a very important stage of the investment cycle, which to the greatest extent determines the efficiency of the planned construction. Without the design and estimate documentation to conduct construction and installation work in the Russian Federation is prohibited. Estimate documentation is one of the mandatory sections of project documentation. It sets the value of the entire object, and individual works.
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The basic document regulating the rules and regulations in the implementation of urban development activities, territorial planning, architectural design, as well as overhaul and reconstruction of a. Preparation of project documentation on the basis: • technical project developer or technical customer (in the preparation of project documentation on the basis of the contract), in accordance with the taking into account the changes made to it, • engineering survey results, • urban development plan of the land plot, • technical specifications (if the operation of the proposed facility capital construction can not be achieved without having to connect to the network engineering and technical support).
Making of project documentation is done according to the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2013 “Basic requirements for design and working documents”. Independently produce the development of design and estimate documentation may only organizations that have in the state is the necessary number of specialists – engineers, designers, surveyors and so on. Objects that have an impact on the safety of capital construction must be carried out by individual entrepreneurs or legal persons, the self-regulatory organization imeyuschimi vydannye certificate for this type of work introduced in the state register of self-regulatory organizations (National Association of self-regulatory organizations). The list of such objects is given in Chap. 6 Article 48 of the Civil Code. We have all the necessary licenses for carrying out project activities.
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