Yupiter Planetasi Turali Mlmet
What is believed to be the origin of the asteroids? A.) Asteroids are believed to be meteorites trapped in orbit because of the gravitational influence of nearby Jupiter and mars b.) Asteroids are believed to be leftover matter from the early solar system that never became part of the large body becausae of their irregular shapes c.) Asteroids are believed to be leftover matter from the early solar system that never became part of the large body because of the gravitational influence of nearby Jupiter d.) Asteroids are believed to be remnants of a planet torn apart because of the gravitational influence of nearby Jupiter. Which statement below correctly identifies the differences and similarities between planets, dwarf planets, and planetary satellites?
A.) Dwarf planets and planets are approximately the same size and shape. However, only planets orbit the sun, while dwarf planets and satellites do not. Both planets and dwarf planets can have satellites b.) Dwarf planets are much smaller than planets. Planets and dwarf planets are spherical in shape, but only planets orbit the sun. Neither dwarf planets or satellites orbit the sun.
Only planets can have satellites c.) Dwarf planets are much smaller than planets. Planets and dwarf planets are spherical in shape and orbit the sun, but satellites do not orbit the sun. Only planets can have satellites d.) Dwarf planets are much smaller than planets.
Start studying Science mid term (chp. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying Physical Science Chapter 13. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Planets and dwarf planets are spherical in shape and orbit the sun, but satellites do not orbit the sun. Both planets and dwarf planets can have satellites e.) none of the above.
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