Diablo 3 Reaper Of Souls Ps3 Save Editor
Cheats, game codes, unlockables, hints, easter eggs, glitches, guides, walkthroughs, trophies, achievements and more for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls on Playstation 4. Navigate using the links above or scroll down to browse the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls cheats we have available for Playstation 4.
The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' and appear first in their respective section. We have 3 entries submitted for for this game on this platform at the moment. If you something more to share. Duplicate and Keep Gear Go to your mail box and pick a friend or another profile that you have. Click on it and send what you want to duplicate. It will ask you if you want to send, click 'OK' and hit your PS button. Close out the game application and restart it.
All the items that you sent will still be in your inventory and your friend will also have them! So you can have your friend send them back, or send them back from your other profile.
Warning - do not send too much or the game will auto save and you will lose the items! Trophies Icon Title Description Type Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Platinum Trophy Collected all other Diablo III: Reaper of Souls trophies Platinum Deep Pockets Pick up 500,000 gold. Bronze The Comfort of Strangers Recruit the Templar, Scoundrel, and Enchantress. Bronze Up All Night To Get Lucky Equip all Inventory slots with Legendary items that have a minimum required level of 70 or higher. Silver Breaking Not So Bad Use a merchant to repair an item. Bronze Socket to Me Socket a gem in an item.
Bronze A New Start Complete 5 Bounties. Bronze Batting 500 Complete 500 Bounties. Silver Just Riffing Kill 500 Monsters while in Nephalem Rifts. Silver Dashing through the Rift Finish a Nephalem Rift within 15 Minutes. Silver The Mad King's End Kill the Skeleton King.
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Aug 19, 2014 - Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Maxed Modded Starter Saves All Characters. But I am still waiting for the updated save editor. I'd like to max out my.
Bronze Butchered! Kill the Butcher. Silver The Last of the Horadrim Complete all quests in Act I. Bronze The Coven Overthrown Kill Maghda. Bronze Murderer.
Kill Zoltun Kulle. Bronze The Lord of Lies Kill Belial. Silver The Black Soulstone Complete all quests in Act II. Bronze The Ravening Beast Kill Ghom. Bronze Making a Breakthrough Kill the Siegebreaker Assault Beast.
Bronze The Lord of Sin Kill Azmodan. Silver The Wages of Sin Complete all quests in Act III.
Bronze The Prime Evil Kill Diablo. Silver Victory and Sacrifice Complete all quests in Act IV. Bronze Fire in Your New Boots Kill Urzael. Silver Death Do Us Part Kill Malthael. Silver Don't Fear the Reaper Complete all quests in Act V. Bronze Above & Beyond (Hardcore) Reach level 70 in Hardcore mode.
Gold Reign of Terror Kill Diablo in Hardcore mode. Silver May His Death Satisfy You Kill Malthael in Hardcore mode. Silver Above & Beyond Reach level 70.
Silver Dream Team Reach level 70 with 6 different classes. Gold The Elitist Kill 500 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies. Silver Greed over Need Kill 100 Treasure Goblins. Silver Demolition Derby Get a destruction callout for breaking 50 objects. Bronze Made to Order Craft 5 items.

Bronze Custom-Fit Craft 100 items. Silver Forged Credentials Raise the Blacksmith to level 12. Bronze Gemkata Raise the Jeweler to level 12. Bronze Maximum Myriam Raise the Mystic to level 12. Bronze I Feel So Enchanting Enchant all your equipment slots.
Bronze Trade-in Replace a property with Enchanting. Bronze A Mystical Meeting Acquire the Mystic.
Bronze Bejeweled Combine gems.
As of today, 'cross-brand' and 'cross-generational' transfers have been enabled for Diablo III on supported PlayStation® and Xbox® platforms. These transfers will allow players to export their save data from Diablo III on the PS3™ and Xbox 360™ and import it to Ultimate Evil Edition on the PS4™ or Xbox One™.You read that right, gamers, if you started the latest journey through Sanctuary on PS3 and have 'seen the light' for an Xbox One, that sweet Demon Hunter can come with you. Conversely, if you were one of the gamers who played their Monk on an Xbox 360 and are now joining us over at with your shiny new PS4, your holiest of holies can now come along for the ride.