Download Aui Converter 48x44 Torrent
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AuI ConverteR 48x44 PROduce-R (Win) is a Audio & Multimedia::MP3 software developed by Yurii Borisovich Korzunov (IP). After our trial and test, the software was found to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for AuI ConverteR 48x44 PROduce-R (Win): AuI ConverteR PROduce-R User configurable HD audio converter for high resolution music files and CD ripper WAV, WAV/RF64, WAV/BWF, FLAC, DSF, AIFF, AIFF/sowt, AIF, ALAC, mp3, OGG, AAC, WMA, DTS, AC3 User can add own formats converted files (via command line encoders). AuI ConverteR make HD (64-bit floating point double precision) sampling rate and bit-depth conversion ( AuI alphaC algorithm) with dithering ( AuI alphaD algorithm) capability. Supporting of Broadcast Wave Format with automatical audio signal level measurement External encoders convert input and output formats only. Multi-CPU and multicore-CPU batch converting capability.
Intended for professional music production and audio enthusiasts. Download latest FREE version and read more. AuI ConverteR PROduce-R User configurable HD audio converter for high resolution music files and CD ripper WAV, WAV/RF64, WAV/BWF, FLAC, DSF, AIFF, AIFF/sowt, AIF, ALAC, mp3, OGG, AAC, WMA, DTS, AC3 User can add own formats converted files (via command line encoders). AuI ConverteR make HD (64-bit floating point double precision) sampling rate and bit-depth conversion ( AuI alphaC algorithm) with dithering ( AuI alphaD algorithm) capability. Supporting of Broadcast Wave Format with automatical audio signal level measurement External encoders convert input and output formats only.
Multi-CPU and multicore-CPU batch converting capability. Intended for professional music production and audio enthusiasts. Download latest FREE version and read more.
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