The Guild 2 Renaissance Cheats Steam
When you are in your Library right-click on The Guild 2 Go to Properties then Local files. Click on browse local files you will see a bunch of files look for a file called. When you are in your Library right-click on The Guild 2 Go to Properties then Local files. Tyga taste free mp3 download. Click on browse local files you will see a bunch of files scroll down until you see a file called Config in this file, scroll down until you see.
The Guild 2: Renaissance Italian: Last Update (May 16, 2016 – 21:41:06 UTC) Files 7 Packages 15 Apps 1 Manifests 9 History. As our backend did not process latest available file list on Steam. This could be because our Steam bot does not own this depot, or simply failed to process the file list. The Guild II: Renaissance Store: January. Steam Support Home > Games. Sign in to get personalized help for The Guild II: Renaissance. Editing The Games Files [CHEATS/Ini codes][ENGLISH].
[INIT-PLAYER-0] HasResidence = 1. When you are in your Library right-click on The Guild 2 Go to Properties then Local files Click on the DB file, in it look for a file called MeasureToObjects.dbt In that file scroll all the way to the very bottom of said file and paste this line of code. 3058 2200 1 0 119 1 ' () ' 0 0 To quote the MAN himself Fajeth, the man who so graciously gave me this code for all to enjoy. 'the first number has to be unique, if you use any mods you may have to change it' Note: you may have to space out the numbers and commas and whathave you to sort of line up with the other codes. This may not really be necessary but better to do it now than find out it didn't work and have to go back and do it later. Once that's set, save and close the file and start up the game.
With this code in place you can now train your goons and Employees in your house with the train option, that's normally reserved for yourself and your family. So now instead of a bunch of scrubs with little daggers protecting you, you can now have trained soldiers (with little daggers) by your side and protecting you buildings.:D And have competent employees with but a few clicks of a button. Oh and be sure to look over the Config file a bit there's some options you can change that makes the game a bit less annoying.
// Set the length of the indoor transition camera drive. Set to 0.0 to disable CamdriveRoomChange = 6.0 Do you hate it when you want to go to another room inside the same building and you have to wait for the camera to pan over to the door and then wait a second for it to kick in and then Finally getting into the room you wanted. OR you can set this to '0.0' and disable that little feature PERMANENTLY. // Show the splash screen at programm startup (0:no 1:on (default) ) SplashScreen = 1 Set this to 0 so you don't have to hit space twice to skip the Logo's and game video when you start the game. With this off you'll go strait to the main menu. This will also help with that Black intro screen problem i hear everyone is having a problem with. Ftisovec Hm, Thanks for the input.allthough Dorian Greyish perk can be ignored and you can just use the hot tea mod instead and live forever instead of an extra 20 years and not get locked at 1 CHA.

The Beggers disguese.why would you EVER want that perk? I don't know about everyone else but i don't want my guy to smell to high heven.:/ i for one actually take regular baths in the bathroom of the inn when available, i'm always covered in some kind of sweet perfume and i use plenty of soap. So for me at least i would never take that perk. Here are two others you may want to include: 1) Do you want to take Dorian Grey or Beggars Disguise abilities but don't want to get locked at 1 CHA?
Then open DB abilities.dbt find the two lines with 'Bettlergestalt' and 'DorianGrau', locate the number -100 that appear in each of these lines and substitute it with a zero. 2) Do you want level 10 characters to receive more ability points? Then open DB abilitypoints.dbt and add more lines to it.
To buy all abilities at lv10, you need to add 14 line with value 2 at the 3rd column, 15 with value 4, 5 with value 7 and 3 with value 10: 13 10 2 14 10 2 . 27 10 4 28 10 4 . 42 10 7 43 10 7 . 47 10 10 48 10 10 49 10 10 .